Your Own e-Learning Site

A managed service for Moodle™ LMS with more storage capacity, custom domain and support, compared to existing solutions1 . With just a few clicks, you obtain a dedicated platform, referred to as a “site”2 , that is fully prepared to facilitate quality virtual learning. We invite you to explore the features with our free trial4 , and stay tuned for the exciting improvements we are actively developing to our service.

Annual (save up to %16)

Plan U50

  • 50 users4

  • 10 GB storage5

$199.99 USD/year

Try 30 days for free

Plan U150

  • 150 users4

  • 30 GB storage5

$549.99 USD/year

Try 30 days for free

Plan U300

  • 300 users4

  • 60 GB storage5

$999.99 USD/year

Try 30 days for free

Plan U500

  • 500 users4

  • 100 GB storage5

$1399.99 USD/year

Try 30 days for free

Plan U1000

  • 1000 users4

  • 200 GB storage5

$1999.99 USD/year

Try 30 days for free


All plans include:

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand MoodleCloud’s popularity, with the backing of Moodle HQ and offering the latest Moodle LMS version. Here’s what sets our service apart:

  • Increased Storage: We provide significantly more storage space for your e-learning content compared to MoodleCloud’s standard plans.
  • Custom Domain: You have the flexibility to use a custom domain for your platform, fostering a more professional brand identity.
  • Expanded integrations and customization: Our service boasts more plugins, including additional themes, allowing for deeper integration with external tools and greater customization options.
  • Focus on Stability: While MoodleCloud offers the latest Moodle LMS version, we prioritize stability by providing the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version. This ensures a reliable and secure learning environment with access to critical bug fixes and security patches for a longer period.
  • Support: We offer support to assist you with any questions or issues that may arise in our service offering.

In short, we cater to organizations seeking a more powerful, customizable, and well-supported platform, while still offering a stable learning environment.

A “site” refers to a dedicated Moodle LMS instance that our service creates, optimizes, and manages as per your request. You will have administration access, making you responsible for all usage and access to the site. You’ll be able to customize it and add content, utilizing the LMS functionalities to include categories, courses, users, quizzes, forums, and more.

Yes, a free trial is available for the first site. The number of days depends on whether it’s an annual or monthly subscription. A payment method is required from the beginning of the trial.

In each plan, the user count is based on the total number of registered users, excluding guest and the admin account. A registered user refers to any user with a account. When the maximum user limit is reached, you have two options: you can either remove users from Moodle LMS to create room for new ones, or you have the flexibility to upgrade your plan to accommodate more users. It’s important to note that suspending users will not affect the user count in this context.

Storage includes all files present in Moodle LMS, including uploads and any course backups hosted on your site. Additionally, it accounts for the database size, which typically forms a fraction of the total storage usage. However, certain functions like logs or stats, when enabled and recurring, can significantly increase database size. To free up storage, you can delete unnecessary files, remove old backups, and reduce the retention of logs. Our plans are designed to alleviate concerns about storage, ensuring you have ample space to manage your LMS site seamlessly.

We want to ensure that every site hosted with us remains up-to-date and secure, which is why we automatically and periodically apply minor updates to keep them running on the latest 4.1 LTS major version . Our commitment to maintaining your sites means that we carefully schedule these updates during less traffic hours to minimize any service interruptions, particularly when database updates are required.

Moodle LMS 4.1 latest LTS (Long Term Support).

With a multilayer and dynamic architecture, where each site enjoys a meticulously crafted setup with different components expertly handling various aspects of Moodle LMS. CPU, memory, network, and storage resources are thoughtfully provisioned in each plan, tailored to meet your user requirements.

In addition, our platform’s autoscaling mechanism ensures your site can handle sudden spikes in traffic. Whether it’s during busy periods or high-demand events, the system dynamically adjusts resources to maintain performance, ensuring a smooth user experience at all times.

Key components, including Postgres, Redis (Keydb), NFS server, PHP-FPM, and NGINX, are dedicated to each instance and isolated within one namespace, providing security and data integrity. Our team has fine-tuned these components to match this LMS specific requirements, enabling your site to operate at peak efficiency.

Yes. You can access your website using a domain name different from If you opt for a custom domain, it is crucial to add a CNAME record with your DNS provider that directs to the krestomatio subdomain your site gets assigns. Once you have set up the custom domain, it will automatically be configured for secure access using HTTPS.

It comprises a collection of carefully selected plugins and themes for Moodle LMS, extending beyond the core features. If you encounter any issues or have questions related to these specific components, we recommend reaching out to the corresponding developers or respective communities, if available, for assistance and guidance. Please be aware that, currently, the installation of additional plugins is not available. The pack includes:

While the respective plugins are installed, they require commercial subscriptions with the corresponding provider.

As we develop tutorials and helpful guides, you can also explore the vast resources available in Moodle LMS open-source ecosystem and community. We invite you to visit and join Moodle Academy and for access to courses, tutorials and forums that can assist you further. Additionally, being a leading open-source LMS, Moodle software benefits from extensive video and content coverage across the internet, providing you with a wealth of valuable information and insights.

The beta phase ended on March 1, 2024. We are very grateful for all the collaboration of our customers during that period.

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