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NFS Operator

This operator simplifies deployment and management of NFSv4 Ganesha servers within Kubernetes environments. It offers advanced features for NFS exports, including:

  • Ownership and Permission Control: Set ownership and permissions for the NFS export directory.
  • Automatic PVC Expansion: Configure automatic scaling of the underlying Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) as storage demands grow.
  • RWX Storage Class Provisioning: Automatically create a StorageClass for RWX (read-write-execute) access to the NFS export.

Key Technologies:

  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible Operator SDK
  • NFS-Ganesha


Important Note: This NFS Operator is currently in Beta stage. Proceed with caution in production deployments.

  1. Install Operator:
# Ensure prerequisites are met
kubectl apply -k
  1. Configure NFS Instance:
  • Download and modify this sample file to reflect your specific instance. This file defines the desired configuration for your NFS Ganesha deployment.
curl -sSL '' -o nfs_v1alpha1_ganesha.yaml
# modify nfs_v1alpha1_ganesha.yaml
  1. Deploy NFS:
  • Deploy a NFS instance using the modified configuration:
kubectl apply -f nfs_v1alpha1_ganesha.yaml
  1. Monitor Logs:
  • Track the NFS Operator logs for insights into the deployment process:
kubectl -n nfs-operator-system logs -l control-plane=controller-manager -c manager -f
  • Monitor the status of your deployed NFS instance:
kubectl get -f nfs_v1alpha1_ganesha.yaml -w


  1. Delete NFS Instance:
# Caution: This step leads to data loss. Proceed with caution.
kubectl delete -f nfs_v1alpha1_ganesha.yaml
  1. Uninstall Operator:
kubectl delete -k


NFS Ganesha custom resource (CR) can be configure via its spec field. NFS Ganesha CR spec supports all the the variables in v1alpha1.nfs.ganesha ansible role as fields. These variables can be specified directly in the NFS CR YAML manifest file, allowing for customization of the Ganesha instance during deployment. Refer to the official v1alpha1.nfs.ganesha ansible role documentation for a comprehensive list of supported fields.


  • Report bugs, request enhancements, or propose new features using GitHub issues.