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Moodle Operator

For deploying and managing Moodle instances on Kubernetes. The operator leverages the Ansible Operator SDK for automated provisioning and configuration of the web layer: php-fpm, nginx, cronjob, among other resources. In addition, it handles instantiation and updates.

Key Technologies:

  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible Operator SDK
  • Moodle


  • Database Instance: A functional database instance is required for Moodle to store its data. You can leverage existing database solutions like Postgres-operator or provide connection details directly.
    • Postgres Operator Integration: When using Postgres Operator within the same namespace, set the moodle_postgres_meta_name variable to the corresponding Postgres CR name for automated credential retrieval.
    • Direct Database Connection: Alternatively, provide the following environment variables for manual database configuration:
      • moodle_config_dbhost: Database hostname or IP address
      • moodle_config_dbname: Database name
      • moodle_config_dbuser: Database username
      • moodle_config_dbpass: Database password


Important Note: This Moodle Operator is currently in Beta stage. Proceed with caution in production deployments.

  1. Install Operator:
# Ensure prerequisites are met
kubectl apply -k
  1. Configure Moodle Instance:
  • Download and modify this sample file to reflect your specific database connection details and any additional configuration options. This file defines the desired state for your Moodle instance.
curl -sSL '' -o m4e_v1alpha1_moodle.yaml
# modify m4e_v1alpha1_moodle.yaml
  1. Deploy Moodle:
  • Deploy a Moodle instance using the modified configuration:
kubectl apply -f m4e_v1alpha1_moodle.yaml
  1. Monitor Logs:
  • Track the Moodle Operator logs for insights into the deployment process:
kubectl -n moodle-operator-system logs -l control-plane=controller-manager -c manager -f
  • Monitor the status of your deployed Moodle instance:
kubectl get -f m4e_v1alpha1_moodle.yaml -w

Moodle Admin Password Reset:

To reset the admin password, provide a new BCrypt-compatible hash in the moodle_new_adminpass_hash field of the Moodle CR. You can generate a hash using tools like Python:

python -c "import bcrypt; print(bcrypt.hashpw(b'$admin_pass', bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=10)).decode('ascii'))"


  1. Delete Moodle Instance:
# Caution: This step leads to data loss. Proceed with caution.
kubectl delete -f m4e_v1alpha1_moodle.yaml
  1. Uninstall Operator:
kubectl delete -k


Moodle custom resource (CR) can be configure via its spec field. Moodle CR spec supports all the the variables in v1alpha1.m4e.moodle ansible role as fields. These variables can be specified directly in the Moodle CR YAML manifest file, allowing for customization of the Moodle instance during deployment. Refer to the official v1alpha1.m4e.moodle ansible role documentation for a comprehensive list of supported fields.

Customizing the Moodle Image

The project utilizes an immutable image approach for Moodle deployments. If you require image customization, refer to the guide on building and customizing the image: Custom Moodle Image Builds


  • Report bugs, request enhancements, or propose new features using GitHub issues.